Public Health Nursing and Older Adults: The CAPABLE Model, American Journal of Public Health, Sarah Szanton and Alice Bonner (June 2022)
Public Health Nursing and Older Adults: The CAPABLE Model, American Journal of Public Health, Sarah Szanton and Alice Bonner (June 2022)
The Behavioral Factors That Influence Person-Centered Social Care: A Literature Review and Conceptual Framework, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Eugene Tay, Ivo Vlaev, and Sebastiano Massaro (April 2022)
Disability Trends Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults and Related Determinants of Disability, Innovation in Aging, Sarah Szanton Qiwei Li. (2021)
Integrating Medical and Nonmedical Services: The Promise and Pitfalls of the CHRONIC Care Act. The New England Journal of Medicine. Amber Willink, Ph.D., and Eva H. DuGoff, Ph.D. (2018)
Medicaid Cost Savings of a Preventive Home Visit Program for Disabled Older Adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Szanton, S.L., Alfonso, Y.N., Leff, B., Guralnik, J., Wolff, J.L., Stockwell, I., Gitlin, L.N., Bishai, D. (2017)
Using Nursing Research to Shape Health Policy. Aging in Place: Innovative Teams. (pp 227-240). Szanton, S.L., P. Grady and A.S. Hinshaw (2017)
CAPABLE trial: a randomized controlled trial of nurse, occupational therapist and handyman to reduce disability among older adults: rationale and design. Contemporary Clinical Trials. Szanton, S.L., Wolff, J.W., Leff, B.L., Thorpe, R.J., Tanner, E.K., Boyd, C., Xue, Q., Guralnik, J., Bishai, D., Gitlin, L.N. (2014).
Supporting Individuals with Disability Across the Lifespan at Home: Social Services, Technologies, and the Built Environment. Gitlin, L.N., Szanton, S.L., DuGoff, E.H. (2011). “White paper” commissioned by the SCAN Foundation.